Economic Apocalypse?

by nickwoodhouse63

I just got thinking.. what is going to be the next big thing in apocalyptic literature? I mean we have blown through comets, diseases, nukes, vampires, zombies, and even robots so what is next for society?

I think it is the concept of the economic apocalypse.

Everyday you hear in the news “the economy is the worst it has ever been” and then the next week you hear “the economy is recovering nobody panic” and then after that you hear “the economy is unpredictable so we don’t know what is coming next” and it is just a constant rotation from we are fine, to things are sketchy, to we are f’ed. This is a really interesting concept to me not because i love the economy, frankly i am tired of hearing all the flip-flopping and discussion when none of it seems to be relevant (kind of like a weather prediction in Saint John…zing).

This is a fairly new concept which i would like to read a book about the world post-economic failure. What would the new currency become? How would things run? Would currency or our way of life even matter anymore?

It is hard to imagine a way of life that isn’t centred around this combustible and unstable thing called currency. Currency is the nuclear physics of the economy. it has the potential to make great things happen, but is dangerously close to bringing fourth the downfall of society. Which make it quite a nice tie-in with apocalyptic literature.

Every generation has its apocalyptic scare. The plague, nuclear wars, etc. is ours going to be the economic collapse that changes society, and the world forever?

Hopefully Homer Simpson isn’t right.